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**Back on Market** Come see this massive, unoccupied two family before it's gone! Recent updates and renovations have provided this two family with all of the amenities an investor or owner-occupant could want. The first floor unit has two bedrooms, a generous living room, and in-unit laundry. The second unit is townhouse style with multiple floors and a full bathroom each each level. The spacious two floor unit has a flexible floor plan, bedrooms on both levels, and a kitchen on the second floor. The full basement features split utilities and plenty of space for landlord and tenant storage. That, coupled with additional storage on the third and fourth floor, make this unit a dream. Updates to the property include new windows, 3 year old roof, renovations to open up unit 1's floor plan, and a newly remodeled bathroom on the third floor with full tub and shower. Open house will be held from 10am to 1pm on Saturday 9/9 and Sunday 9/10. This one is a must see!
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