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This house is not a drive by, come and see it yourself! Come home to this spectacularly remodeled raised ranch with deeded beach rights in Kingsbridge Shores. This house is as close to new as you can get without a new build -- HVAC, plumbing, electric, and framing has been updated and replaced for a move-in home that really shines. The oversized foundation allows for three full baths and four bedrooms. The vaulted ceilings in the living room and kitchen give the house an open floor plan that bathes the enertaining areas in natural light. Off the kitchen is a large deck, perfect for summer entertaining. Downstairs has one bedroom, a second room with closet, and living area with a walk out french door to the back yard. Upstairs has three bedrooms with two full baths, including a master. With this versatile floor plan, there's room for everyone in this home! A short walk down Sharps Drive brings you to the beautiful deeded rights beach with a new sea wall installed in 2020.
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